Many individuals lack both self-help skills and personal growth achievement, which seriously hinders the ability for these individuals to achieve self-improvement goals. Many individuals find themselves living a day-to-day existence that revolves around going to work, eating, sleeping, caring for family members and doing very little of anything else that actually encourages self help or personal growth.
Self-improvement requires that you learn how to improve upon your skills regarding self-help and personal growth. Your day must hold meaning for things other than "getting by" or accomplishing the normal day-to-day running of your life. In order to improve your life you must elevate your ability for self-help and increase your personal growth. How do you improve your life through increased self-help and personal growth?
To increase your self-help and personal growth you must first of all "get a life", which means do something other than earns a living (go to work) and goes home.
Find time to invest in family life, improve your values and your relationships. Self-help equates to working hard for the person in the mirror.
Face your faults, and find ways to improve upon them so that the person in the mirror is one that you respect. What do you dislike about yourself? Find ways to change what you dislike in ways that will benefit not only you but also those around you. If you don't like your attitude, than do something about it. If you dislike how lazy you are than learn how to motivate yourself to take action.
Self-help and personal growth are keys to attaining your self-improvement goals because when you develop the real you, you are taking steps to be someone that you and others can respect.
Self-improvement centers upon being the best that you can be and also becoming the person that you are proud to look in the mirror and see looking back at you.