A Pebble in the Pond
In today’s growing population, it is so easy for everyone to get lost in the crowd. The great things we do can go unnoticed if we simply sit there and wait for luck to strike on us. What is necessary is to be that person who inspires other people to change for the better. This not to say that we all must aim for world wide popularity. The important thing here is to be able to inspire others to follow our footsteps and create a ripple effect, much like a pebble thrown into a pond.
Influencing can sometimes be looked at as being able to subtly convince people to do what you want without making them feel like they are being coerced, much like a sleight of hand. The other person isn't prodded into agreeing with you, but is unconsciously being persuaded into understanding what and how you think.
Influencing is also about inspiring. The thing with the world today is that countries are ridden with problems. What we all need right now is that person to give others hope and to enthuse them to follow in their footsteps. The world leaders have been trying to do this but their efforts are futile and are in vain because the people don’t have enough motivation to think positively. Aside from that, the majority cannot directly relate to these world leaders. To most people, they are figure heads who are much like strangers. It is harder to relate to someone we hardly know, and though we hear their goal, the impact increases when the action comes from someone we can all relate to.
This article is a call for everyone to be that bringer of change.
Whoever you may be, influencing others is about having the confidence and willingness to use yourself to make things happen. We all must use every means of communication to create the impact that we all want, because right now, we all just let things happen.
To be able to inspire others, we need to understand what they want and need. This in no way means twisting ourselves into knots to become someone else. Rather, it's about understanding which portion of our personality fits theirs. Of course to make this a reality we need time. But if we do want things to change, we have to be that change, that person who inspires others to follow our footsteps.
Every single day, we're confronted with situations where we need to influence, lead, and persuade people. We need to take advantage of these situations, and one way to do this is to lead by example, not just words. People who talk a lot tend to drive others nuts. By seeing what they can become, people are more inspired to follow. We must have a proper understanding of people and their nature if we are ever to win others over. When we gain a proper insight, then and only then, can we become the person of influence. This is very possible when we show them how they can get what they want by simply following our examples. It is leadership at its finest, because it is by example.
Self Help Growth provides self-help advice, tips and personal growth development focusing on self-improvement and motivation building.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Why Visualization Works to Your Benefit
A great way to achieve your dreams is using the power of visualization. One creative method is called “process visualization.” Once you've had your goals set, you can think of your daily habits, behaviors, and the steps needed to get what you most want. You have to write down these action steps and visualize them. You have to create the mental picture of the entire process, going beyond the thoughts of only the end result. Some people even go to the point of visualizing their entire day as they would want it to unfold. When the pictures are vivid, you will be neurologically preparing your brain to carry out the behaviors needed towards that end.
By giving yourself a goal, you are able to alter your attention and behavior, thus steering your dreams towards your way. It will be effective because it allows your body to adapt to the situation and somehow alter it to adapt to what you want.
The greatest mental power is your imagination. You are able visualize anything and add embellishments so that you can embellish your visions and add details that seem to go beyond what’s normal. For those who want to achieve something, you could even imagine your life as if it were in a movie set packed with all the special effects. Think 3D!
Here’s why visualization works:
• It puts the subconscious on notice by saying "Here are my dreams, so help me achieve them." The subconscious then sends creative ideas and amazing inspirations for you to do to bring you a step closer.
• You might tell your subconscious that you would like a car and all of a sudden you start seeing these cars everywhere. An area in your brain has been activated and you are noticing lots of beautiful cars much like the one that you like. Visualization makes notice the things that once escaped your notice.
• Visualization is like prayer. In totally unexplained, accidental, and coincidental ways, you attract the right people, the right situations, and the right resources. You may feel that you are living a charmed life.
• Visualization gets you enthused and excited because your subconscious starts believing that your dreams are coming true. You believe that your dreams are yours for the taking and so you are stirred to take action.
The secret is that you have an amazing power within yourself that can bring about miraculous conclusions. The power that you have has been known to cure incurable diseases, build billion dollar companies, create magnificent notes, paint masterpieces, and make a perfect home.
Visualization is the light switch that turns on this power. Anyone that has created anything worthwhile in their lives used this method, whether deliberately or instinctively. The ones that systematically use visualization consciously have created amazing success. We all know who they are. They are world-famous athletes, the super rich, star entertainers, top salespeople, and almost anyone you can think of whom you believe has created a rather interesting life. Visualization is such a powerful tool that it pays to practice and increase our visualization skills.
By giving yourself a goal, you are able to alter your attention and behavior, thus steering your dreams towards your way. It will be effective because it allows your body to adapt to the situation and somehow alter it to adapt to what you want.
The greatest mental power is your imagination. You are able visualize anything and add embellishments so that you can embellish your visions and add details that seem to go beyond what’s normal. For those who want to achieve something, you could even imagine your life as if it were in a movie set packed with all the special effects. Think 3D!
Here’s why visualization works:
• It puts the subconscious on notice by saying "Here are my dreams, so help me achieve them." The subconscious then sends creative ideas and amazing inspirations for you to do to bring you a step closer.
• You might tell your subconscious that you would like a car and all of a sudden you start seeing these cars everywhere. An area in your brain has been activated and you are noticing lots of beautiful cars much like the one that you like. Visualization makes notice the things that once escaped your notice.
• Visualization is like prayer. In totally unexplained, accidental, and coincidental ways, you attract the right people, the right situations, and the right resources. You may feel that you are living a charmed life.
• Visualization gets you enthused and excited because your subconscious starts believing that your dreams are coming true. You believe that your dreams are yours for the taking and so you are stirred to take action.
The secret is that you have an amazing power within yourself that can bring about miraculous conclusions. The power that you have has been known to cure incurable diseases, build billion dollar companies, create magnificent notes, paint masterpieces, and make a perfect home.
Visualization is the light switch that turns on this power. Anyone that has created anything worthwhile in their lives used this method, whether deliberately or instinctively. The ones that systematically use visualization consciously have created amazing success. We all know who they are. They are world-famous athletes, the super rich, star entertainers, top salespeople, and almost anyone you can think of whom you believe has created a rather interesting life. Visualization is such a powerful tool that it pays to practice and increase our visualization skills.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Being a Winner in Everything You Do
Some people begin tasks with the attitude for failure. As soon as they’ve started the first step, they’ve already set their minds for disappointments. This is the idea of self-preservation for most people. If they think that being happy only makes you angrier when things don’t work your way, then they will go through life just plain miserable.
There is a definitive distinction between the attitudes of the successful versus the unsuccessful. Yes, things may not always work your way. They’ll be times that you can’t help but be disappointed with how things are turning out, especially when you’ve set yourself up to be all gung-ho about it. But isn’t life special that way? When you give it your all and come out successful at it, the delight that you’ll feel will be incomparable. Developing a winner's outlook is one of the most basic characteristics needed for achievement. Sadly, society ingrains in us to expect the worst yet hope for the best. This explains why most people live a life filled with frustration and misery.
A lot of the people do not want to take responsibility for the way their life has turned out. Some people learn at an early age to play the victim of fate. This allows them to absolve themselves of any accountability that comes as a repercussion of their choices. But then something good happens, and they immediately jump at the chance of taking credit. This allows us to feel somewhat emancipated by believing that the fault is not entirely theirs.
Your mind creates what it focuses on, and when you have nothing in it but negativity, reality will manifest it. So when you have a half hearted attitude towards what you do, you will never get the result that you want for the simple reason that your heart won’t be in it. The successful, on the other hand, take the repercussions head on. They face up to their responsibilities and believe that they can achieve most anything they desire if they just never give up.
Once winners decide to do something, it is only a matter of time before it actually happens. All hindrances are just measly tactics to delay them from reaching the end. If you want to become this successful individual, never think that you can never be the best, and the most you’ll achieve is the silver medal. Go for gold by seeing yourself through your decision. Stay calm and simply look at Plan B if the first try didn’t work. Believing that you will be successful even before it happens increases the likelihood that it will happen. Once you have set your goal, you must have the drive to reach it regardless of the obstacles. Set your priorities and make sure that you create a balance just so you have a healthy attitude towards everything.
You all have the potential to become winners, you just need to believe in yourself and be open to the chances that come your way. With the optimistic outlook in life, barriers are there merely to test your will and fortitude.
There is a definitive distinction between the attitudes of the successful versus the unsuccessful. Yes, things may not always work your way. They’ll be times that you can’t help but be disappointed with how things are turning out, especially when you’ve set yourself up to be all gung-ho about it. But isn’t life special that way? When you give it your all and come out successful at it, the delight that you’ll feel will be incomparable. Developing a winner's outlook is one of the most basic characteristics needed for achievement. Sadly, society ingrains in us to expect the worst yet hope for the best. This explains why most people live a life filled with frustration and misery.
A lot of the people do not want to take responsibility for the way their life has turned out. Some people learn at an early age to play the victim of fate. This allows them to absolve themselves of any accountability that comes as a repercussion of their choices. But then something good happens, and they immediately jump at the chance of taking credit. This allows us to feel somewhat emancipated by believing that the fault is not entirely theirs.
Your mind creates what it focuses on, and when you have nothing in it but negativity, reality will manifest it. So when you have a half hearted attitude towards what you do, you will never get the result that you want for the simple reason that your heart won’t be in it. The successful, on the other hand, take the repercussions head on. They face up to their responsibilities and believe that they can achieve most anything they desire if they just never give up.
Once winners decide to do something, it is only a matter of time before it actually happens. All hindrances are just measly tactics to delay them from reaching the end. If you want to become this successful individual, never think that you can never be the best, and the most you’ll achieve is the silver medal. Go for gold by seeing yourself through your decision. Stay calm and simply look at Plan B if the first try didn’t work. Believing that you will be successful even before it happens increases the likelihood that it will happen. Once you have set your goal, you must have the drive to reach it regardless of the obstacles. Set your priorities and make sure that you create a balance just so you have a healthy attitude towards everything.
You all have the potential to become winners, you just need to believe in yourself and be open to the chances that come your way. With the optimistic outlook in life, barriers are there merely to test your will and fortitude.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Lighten Up and Enjoy Your Life
Just to give you a clue on how improving your outlook in life helps you, take a look at the world’s leaders. Some of these people rose from nothing simply because they had hope and belief. They never stopped in their mission and did everything within their power to achieve success and happiness.
Unfortunately, many people have this mistaken notion that happiness and success were mutually exclusive concepts, and that to be on top, you have to step on others along the way. The road to success may be ridden with potholes, but a slow and sure journey towards the end is better than one that is done in a hurry. When things are done haphazardly, it gets more chaotic. Pressure forces you to take the shortcut and when impatience is involved, it is inevitable that you will hurt others.
What you need to do is enjoy life and know that happiness is closer than you think. If you are not satisfied with where your life’s going, it may be because you’ve hurt others along the way and that your conscience is badgering your heart until you to do what is right. You are simply looking at the wrong place and doing the wrong things. When you are not where you’re meant to be, then you can never feel fulfillment.
What you need to know is that you are here to enjoy life and to fulfill your purpose. We all are meant to do something good, and we must take heed to our calling to feel this utter contentment. You might be distracted from the right path for many reasons, and as a result you gradually lose all hope until you end up in total misery.
But where is happiness and how can you attain it? Most people seek it in the future. They wait for certain things to happen for them before they can say that they are happy.
These foolish individuals can never think in the presence. A wise man understands what he possesses at the moment. There is nowhere but here and nothing but now.
You have to know that you have a purpose in life. Working towards this purpose at a gradual but steady pace will keep you hopeful even during your darkest moments. You will have a sense of responsibility and this is what will keep your smile on despite adversities. It is innate in a person to know what their purpose is, they just need time to soul search and realize what needs to be done. When you follow what you have been meant to do, you will live in harmony with the rest of the world.
The peace and happiness you are all seeking is already within. It just needs to be rediscovered and unearthed. Embrace what you have right now and celebrate what is yet to come. Remember, you are all capable of great things. Fear limits what you can achieve and you must remove this from your heart. Remember, your psyche knows no boundaries, so let your faith open your mind to unending possibilities.
Unfortunately, many people have this mistaken notion that happiness and success were mutually exclusive concepts, and that to be on top, you have to step on others along the way. The road to success may be ridden with potholes, but a slow and sure journey towards the end is better than one that is done in a hurry. When things are done haphazardly, it gets more chaotic. Pressure forces you to take the shortcut and when impatience is involved, it is inevitable that you will hurt others.
What you need to do is enjoy life and know that happiness is closer than you think. If you are not satisfied with where your life’s going, it may be because you’ve hurt others along the way and that your conscience is badgering your heart until you to do what is right. You are simply looking at the wrong place and doing the wrong things. When you are not where you’re meant to be, then you can never feel fulfillment.
What you need to know is that you are here to enjoy life and to fulfill your purpose. We all are meant to do something good, and we must take heed to our calling to feel this utter contentment. You might be distracted from the right path for many reasons, and as a result you gradually lose all hope until you end up in total misery.
But where is happiness and how can you attain it? Most people seek it in the future. They wait for certain things to happen for them before they can say that they are happy.
These foolish individuals can never think in the presence. A wise man understands what he possesses at the moment. There is nowhere but here and nothing but now.
You have to know that you have a purpose in life. Working towards this purpose at a gradual but steady pace will keep you hopeful even during your darkest moments. You will have a sense of responsibility and this is what will keep your smile on despite adversities. It is innate in a person to know what their purpose is, they just need time to soul search and realize what needs to be done. When you follow what you have been meant to do, you will live in harmony with the rest of the world.
The peace and happiness you are all seeking is already within. It just needs to be rediscovered and unearthed. Embrace what you have right now and celebrate what is yet to come. Remember, you are all capable of great things. Fear limits what you can achieve and you must remove this from your heart. Remember, your psyche knows no boundaries, so let your faith open your mind to unending possibilities.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Journey To Success - Playing to Win
Most of us would like to succeed at every endeavor and be like the superhuman we all would want to be. Unfortunately, unlike those superheroes we know of, we bleed and get hurt every time we fail. So, instead of pursuing our goal, we back out and quit. Life is a game, and our goal may not have to be to win in every round. What should be important is we learn from the rules so that we really do get to triumph in the end.
In our professional lives, we would like to be with a team of winners, but to make this even remotely possible, we need to create a good relationship among the players. We need to constantly inspire ourselves to try even harder. We all need a sort of wake up call to realize that winning is rarely easy. It takes a lot of hard work, patience, and time.
We need to celebrate every single moment of that journey. Yes, we may make bad choices along the way, but so what? At least we know whether they work or not. Once we make that decision to bravely venture into the unknown, we need to take careful and deliberate steps. The faster we rise, the harder we fall, and we should know that when every step is planned and deliberated, mistakes won’t blow up at a monstrous proportion.
When we play the game of life, we also need to realize that in order to win, we must come up with innovative ideas. We need to let go of perceived notions and let our creative juices flow. If we become willing to test things out, we get to strategize even better. Yes, we may be unsuccessful, but the disappointment is not the entire point of the journey. The most accomplished individuals in today’s world have failed, but they let their thirst for victory guide them through the entire process. In the end, their failures were soon forgotten because what people ultimately remember is their courage to take risks. In fact, they have become icons that inspire others to follow in their footsteps.
We really need to think about what we want most out of life. Otherwise, all the effort will be futile if we really aren’t that satisfied in the end. Playing to win requires inspiration, and what sets apart winners from the losers is their goal. They are out there in the field, giving it their best shot because they want to be the best that they can be. People who fail tend to play by giving it only a bit of an effort simply because they don’t want to lose. This negative attitude is what brings people down.
To succeed in life, we need to face each day with a kind of hope that gives us the strength to overcome hurdles and still smile after a sad and depressing day because we know that things can always get better. As long as we have the strength to wake up each morning and drag ourselves out of bed, we can still do something. Let us keep this thought always in our hearts because this is what will make a difference in our lives.
In our professional lives, we would like to be with a team of winners, but to make this even remotely possible, we need to create a good relationship among the players. We need to constantly inspire ourselves to try even harder. We all need a sort of wake up call to realize that winning is rarely easy. It takes a lot of hard work, patience, and time.
We need to celebrate every single moment of that journey. Yes, we may make bad choices along the way, but so what? At least we know whether they work or not. Once we make that decision to bravely venture into the unknown, we need to take careful and deliberate steps. The faster we rise, the harder we fall, and we should know that when every step is planned and deliberated, mistakes won’t blow up at a monstrous proportion.
When we play the game of life, we also need to realize that in order to win, we must come up with innovative ideas. We need to let go of perceived notions and let our creative juices flow. If we become willing to test things out, we get to strategize even better. Yes, we may be unsuccessful, but the disappointment is not the entire point of the journey. The most accomplished individuals in today’s world have failed, but they let their thirst for victory guide them through the entire process. In the end, their failures were soon forgotten because what people ultimately remember is their courage to take risks. In fact, they have become icons that inspire others to follow in their footsteps.
We really need to think about what we want most out of life. Otherwise, all the effort will be futile if we really aren’t that satisfied in the end. Playing to win requires inspiration, and what sets apart winners from the losers is their goal. They are out there in the field, giving it their best shot because they want to be the best that they can be. People who fail tend to play by giving it only a bit of an effort simply because they don’t want to lose. This negative attitude is what brings people down.
To succeed in life, we need to face each day with a kind of hope that gives us the strength to overcome hurdles and still smile after a sad and depressing day because we know that things can always get better. As long as we have the strength to wake up each morning and drag ourselves out of bed, we can still do something. Let us keep this thought always in our hearts because this is what will make a difference in our lives.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Getting Out of Our Comfort Zone
Comfort zones provide us with that warm fuzzy feeling because we know that we will always have a place filled with things that are familiar to us. When the unexpected happens, we sometimes don’t know how to react, especially if it is something we do not want. Our comfort zones provide solace and peace when life just gets too stressful. Sometimes, things get too tough to handle, and we retreat to this cozy place for a breather.
Unfortunately, when we want to achieve greatness in this lifetime, we have to realize that we need to get out and step into the unknown. Prominence and success exist outside the comfort zone. Those who achieve do so because they put themselves on the line and were willing to take risks. They do things that most won’t necessarily dare to do.
Growing up, we were taught to always take the safe route for the sake of our health and sanity. Unfortunately, reality doesn’t operate that way. In fact, the real world is really as tough as how we imagined it to be. We were taught to believe that we could survive with just a good education to back us up. Going through school may open the doors of opportunities, but victory comes from something deeper.
Developing the habit of making ourselves adapt to whatever environment we’re placed in is one of the most important things that we can do to ensure our continuous development. We should not limit our comfort zones to only one place. In fact, we should be able to fit in and adapt wherever we are. We should be comfortable with change and resilient to discovery of new things.
Too many people just wish to surround themselves with only what they know for the sake of their own comfort. They try to keep surprises to a minimum and excuse their attitude by saying that they’re a creature of habit. They call themselves smart and rational because they hold themselves back, thinking that everything outside their comfortable circle poses danger. While they want to do more, the fact that they already know what to expect is more desirable.
Typically, it is fear of being ridiculed or looking bad that stops them. If they think that they cannot be successful, then they’d rather not try it. Their attitude is what paralyzes them. Fact is, doing things for the first time is always difficult for everybody. Practice makes perfect, and in time, our endeavors will pay back. Sadly, most people believe in the concept of sticking with what is tried and tested. As a result, they lead boring lives, lives devoid of sheer fun and adventure.
If we want more out of life, we need to bring out our adventurous side. Comfort zones don’t mean anything for risk takers because they know that reaching their goal trumps fear. Let us not live our lives in a box. Life always bestows its share of surprises, and rather than running away from them, which is nearly impossible to do, let us embrace our experiences and learn to see the bright side in these fateful shockers.
Unfortunately, when we want to achieve greatness in this lifetime, we have to realize that we need to get out and step into the unknown. Prominence and success exist outside the comfort zone. Those who achieve do so because they put themselves on the line and were willing to take risks. They do things that most won’t necessarily dare to do.
Growing up, we were taught to always take the safe route for the sake of our health and sanity. Unfortunately, reality doesn’t operate that way. In fact, the real world is really as tough as how we imagined it to be. We were taught to believe that we could survive with just a good education to back us up. Going through school may open the doors of opportunities, but victory comes from something deeper.
Developing the habit of making ourselves adapt to whatever environment we’re placed in is one of the most important things that we can do to ensure our continuous development. We should not limit our comfort zones to only one place. In fact, we should be able to fit in and adapt wherever we are. We should be comfortable with change and resilient to discovery of new things.
Too many people just wish to surround themselves with only what they know for the sake of their own comfort. They try to keep surprises to a minimum and excuse their attitude by saying that they’re a creature of habit. They call themselves smart and rational because they hold themselves back, thinking that everything outside their comfortable circle poses danger. While they want to do more, the fact that they already know what to expect is more desirable.
Typically, it is fear of being ridiculed or looking bad that stops them. If they think that they cannot be successful, then they’d rather not try it. Their attitude is what paralyzes them. Fact is, doing things for the first time is always difficult for everybody. Practice makes perfect, and in time, our endeavors will pay back. Sadly, most people believe in the concept of sticking with what is tried and tested. As a result, they lead boring lives, lives devoid of sheer fun and adventure.
If we want more out of life, we need to bring out our adventurous side. Comfort zones don’t mean anything for risk takers because they know that reaching their goal trumps fear. Let us not live our lives in a box. Life always bestows its share of surprises, and rather than running away from them, which is nearly impossible to do, let us embrace our experiences and learn to see the bright side in these fateful shockers.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Dealing with Disappointments
Life doesn’t always work to our favor. When we encounter setbacks, it’s easy to become discouraged. We suddenly don’t trust ourselves and the people around us. This domino effect leads to the eventual collapse of the different aspects in our lives. The things that have taken us years to build suddenly lost in a blink of an eye. Then, we become immobilized, and then we retreat into this dark shell that brings us further down.
Eventually, we have to come out of this hole and start rebuilding our lives. We’re left with no choice but to do this or else all our financial reserves go down the drain. Quite often the only way out of a situation is to simply trudge go through it. As saddened and disappointed as we can be with the circumstances presented to us, we should decide that every day above the ground is still reason to celebrate. As bad as things can be, nothing is worth dying for.
Failures in some convoluted form are an integral part of life. We have to go through this to fully appreciate the successes that we have. If we were to become paralyzed and contemptuous, we will only exacerbate the already glum situation. It’s throwing another log to the fire, and this will continue on and on unless we choose to put a stop to it. This vicious cycle of self-imposed ruin is something that we have to overcome. Life is a journey of self-evolvement, and each problem was made to make us stronger and more resilient. We have to simply embrace life to learn how to face adversities. No matter how good or bad the situation may be, they all will eventually end.
Life is all about growth through a variety of experiences. We can choose resistance or we can choose acceptance. The latter allows us to embrace the inherent lessons along the way. There are millions out there who are in the same boat. Everyone has to deal with these same things and we are never alone when we suffer. Let us share the cross that we carry with our friends and ask them to help us during dire times. A burden shared is a burden halved. With this in mind, we have to know that we can be surrounded by love if we allow it. We all must remember that happiness is all about overcoming disappointments. When we ask the help of our loved ones, we also have to know that we shouldn’t hurt them along the way. We have to appreciate what they can offer and not ask for more. Friendship is a two-way thing. As much as we expect them to protect us, we also have to do everything within our power to make life easier for them because they also have responsibilities of their own to fulfill.
Perhaps the most pivotal message about disappointment sometimes is not about us at all. Sometimes the lesson learned is about inspiring others to never give up because there’s nowhere to go but up when we are at the lowest point in our lives.
Eventually, we have to come out of this hole and start rebuilding our lives. We’re left with no choice but to do this or else all our financial reserves go down the drain. Quite often the only way out of a situation is to simply trudge go through it. As saddened and disappointed as we can be with the circumstances presented to us, we should decide that every day above the ground is still reason to celebrate. As bad as things can be, nothing is worth dying for.
Failures in some convoluted form are an integral part of life. We have to go through this to fully appreciate the successes that we have. If we were to become paralyzed and contemptuous, we will only exacerbate the already glum situation. It’s throwing another log to the fire, and this will continue on and on unless we choose to put a stop to it. This vicious cycle of self-imposed ruin is something that we have to overcome. Life is a journey of self-evolvement, and each problem was made to make us stronger and more resilient. We have to simply embrace life to learn how to face adversities. No matter how good or bad the situation may be, they all will eventually end.
Life is all about growth through a variety of experiences. We can choose resistance or we can choose acceptance. The latter allows us to embrace the inherent lessons along the way. There are millions out there who are in the same boat. Everyone has to deal with these same things and we are never alone when we suffer. Let us share the cross that we carry with our friends and ask them to help us during dire times. A burden shared is a burden halved. With this in mind, we have to know that we can be surrounded by love if we allow it. We all must remember that happiness is all about overcoming disappointments. When we ask the help of our loved ones, we also have to know that we shouldn’t hurt them along the way. We have to appreciate what they can offer and not ask for more. Friendship is a two-way thing. As much as we expect them to protect us, we also have to do everything within our power to make life easier for them because they also have responsibilities of their own to fulfill.
Perhaps the most pivotal message about disappointment sometimes is not about us at all. Sometimes the lesson learned is about inspiring others to never give up because there’s nowhere to go but up when we are at the lowest point in our lives.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Making the Right Career Change
We go to high school, go to college, and concentrate on our careers. The universities prepare us for the real world by enhancing our talents so that we do well in our chosen fields. We continue living this somewhat happy life but find ourselves growing more and more restless each day. We wonder, and then wham! The realization hits us like a bolt of lightning: we are no longer happy with our jobs. We realize after years of study that this isn’t what we wanted after all. We kick and scold ourselves, somewhat thinking that we should’ve thought more about this when we had all the time in the world. Then we wonder, could it be too late for us to make a career change? What if this is just a phase of our lives much similar to a mid-life crisis? Before we make any final decision, we have to think things through. Then, we have to stop punishing ourselves for the dire situation we created. We have to know that life is an ongoing learning experience, and regardless of age, there are too just too many aspects to learn in life that a lifetime is not enough to figure all these out.
Change is inevitable, and it doesn't mean we cannot learn to make something worthwhile of the necessary changes that life presents us with. Our careers keep us on a steady path, but when we are no longer happy with it, it’s difficult to stay on that path. We cannot help but veer away from it. It’s human nature to stay away from the things that displease us.
No matter how much we earn, the feeling of fulfillment must never be undervalued. We need to achieve the feeling of true accomplishment if we really want to be happy. Once we’ve decided on what to really concentrate on and specialize in, we need to plan ways wherein we can equip ourselves with the skills needed to earn that job. Letting go of our present careers completely may be too difficult to achieve. This is our bread and butter at the moment, and we would unable to do anything if there is no income coming in. Plan and make the shift slowly. If we have to offer extra hours at night, so be it. If the end makes us happy, then we might have to work hard to reach it.
In making in a big decision in changing your path, you may need some help. You should never hesitate to ask for it. We need someone who can help us put everything in perspective. Seeking support helps us to stay afloat when we feel like we’re drowning.
Making a change is always a tough decision to make. Ideally, we should have made the choice even before entering college, but it is never too late for anyone. Nowadays, we all can make something of ourselves with the help of modern technology. As long as we have the drive to enrich ourselves with the skill, doors will always be open for us.
Change is inevitable, and it doesn't mean we cannot learn to make something worthwhile of the necessary changes that life presents us with. Our careers keep us on a steady path, but when we are no longer happy with it, it’s difficult to stay on that path. We cannot help but veer away from it. It’s human nature to stay away from the things that displease us.
No matter how much we earn, the feeling of fulfillment must never be undervalued. We need to achieve the feeling of true accomplishment if we really want to be happy. Once we’ve decided on what to really concentrate on and specialize in, we need to plan ways wherein we can equip ourselves with the skills needed to earn that job. Letting go of our present careers completely may be too difficult to achieve. This is our bread and butter at the moment, and we would unable to do anything if there is no income coming in. Plan and make the shift slowly. If we have to offer extra hours at night, so be it. If the end makes us happy, then we might have to work hard to reach it.
In making in a big decision in changing your path, you may need some help. You should never hesitate to ask for it. We need someone who can help us put everything in perspective. Seeking support helps us to stay afloat when we feel like we’re drowning.
Making a change is always a tough decision to make. Ideally, we should have made the choice even before entering college, but it is never too late for anyone. Nowadays, we all can make something of ourselves with the help of modern technology. As long as we have the drive to enrich ourselves with the skill, doors will always be open for us.
Friday, June 5, 2009
The Significance of Honesty and Personal Integrity
The Significance of Honesty and Personal Integrity
When it comes to winning over the respect of people, honesty plays a major role in our success. Yes, our parents apparently hit the bull’s eye when they said that honesty is the best policy. However, many people mistake candor with tactlessness. Admittedly, there is sometimes a fine line between these two concepts. There are just some situations and people that we can’t agree with, and sometimes, we’re put on the spot when somebody asks for our opinion. Our friends may not mind our being frank because they simply know us better. Unfortunately, there are also people who just won’t be able to understand us. And why should they? Words can really be offensive when used out of context. It is actually up to us to decide how we are able to handle every situation with diplomacy.
It is then important that honesty should come with integrity. When we can’t say anything nice, then we might as well not say anything. To be rightfully honest is to also know how to be aware of the feelings of people. Empathy and a high emotional quotient play a big part here. We, ourselves, do not enjoy getting attacked by people we don’t really know. We have to differentiate right from wrong and know when it is most important to truly tell a person how we feel. Once we get into this sometimes too personal a zone, we have to leave all excess emotional baggage in the backseat for the simple reason that we should have an objective mindset when we talk to people.
The people around us react better to constructive criticism if they have enough sense to realize that we are only there with their best interests at heart, they are more likely open to listening to what we have to say. We also need to take a closer look at ourselves and know if we are the right person to do the job. This is the behavior of a person with a realistic image of himself or herself. We too are not perfect, but we also have to realize whether or not we are in the position to help.
Another question to ask is if our opinions are clouded by the beliefs of other people. If so, then maybe it is best that we walk away. Images are created by people, and they are not universally alike. We unconsciously create them from our experiences. Being honest with how we truly feel provides the means to see the symptoms of our own nature. We start to gain understanding when we also look deep into our very soul.
The principle behind telling the truth is making it possible to get what is an unprejudiced view of the situation. Once we know what our true intentions are and if they are pure, only then can we say that we can be honest. Let us then think with our brains and let our hearts show us the way to a clean and unsullied conscience.
In gist, if we want to become more honest people, we first must look into ourselves, know if it is the right thing to do, and try to handle every situation cautiously. The central concept of honesty is not to hurt other people. In fact, its main purpose is to find ways by which we can help others become the best that they can be.
When it comes to winning over the respect of people, honesty plays a major role in our success. Yes, our parents apparently hit the bull’s eye when they said that honesty is the best policy. However, many people mistake candor with tactlessness. Admittedly, there is sometimes a fine line between these two concepts. There are just some situations and people that we can’t agree with, and sometimes, we’re put on the spot when somebody asks for our opinion. Our friends may not mind our being frank because they simply know us better. Unfortunately, there are also people who just won’t be able to understand us. And why should they? Words can really be offensive when used out of context. It is actually up to us to decide how we are able to handle every situation with diplomacy.
It is then important that honesty should come with integrity. When we can’t say anything nice, then we might as well not say anything. To be rightfully honest is to also know how to be aware of the feelings of people. Empathy and a high emotional quotient play a big part here. We, ourselves, do not enjoy getting attacked by people we don’t really know. We have to differentiate right from wrong and know when it is most important to truly tell a person how we feel. Once we get into this sometimes too personal a zone, we have to leave all excess emotional baggage in the backseat for the simple reason that we should have an objective mindset when we talk to people.
The people around us react better to constructive criticism if they have enough sense to realize that we are only there with their best interests at heart, they are more likely open to listening to what we have to say. We also need to take a closer look at ourselves and know if we are the right person to do the job. This is the behavior of a person with a realistic image of himself or herself. We too are not perfect, but we also have to realize whether or not we are in the position to help.
Another question to ask is if our opinions are clouded by the beliefs of other people. If so, then maybe it is best that we walk away. Images are created by people, and they are not universally alike. We unconsciously create them from our experiences. Being honest with how we truly feel provides the means to see the symptoms of our own nature. We start to gain understanding when we also look deep into our very soul.
The principle behind telling the truth is making it possible to get what is an unprejudiced view of the situation. Once we know what our true intentions are and if they are pure, only then can we say that we can be honest. Let us then think with our brains and let our hearts show us the way to a clean and unsullied conscience.
In gist, if we want to become more honest people, we first must look into ourselves, know if it is the right thing to do, and try to handle every situation cautiously. The central concept of honesty is not to hurt other people. In fact, its main purpose is to find ways by which we can help others become the best that they can be.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
How To Find Happiness
How To Find Happiness - Emotional Maturity and Happiness
Happiness can be equated to how you feel about yourself. The more confident you are, the more you are able to see the brighter side of life. When you feel depressed, you bring yourself and others down with you. You go on a downward spiral until you break down. You go through the daily struggles of life with no hope for a happier tomorrow. You start to lose the will to even attempt to break to overcome the smallest obstacle.
The truth is, you are in charge of our destiny. Your happiness is connected with how you see yourself as a person. You have to know that you are worth something and that you deserve an incentive for your achievements. Mind you, these rewards don’t have to be grand. Any little thing will do, as long as you’re left feeling good and proud of whom you are as a person. You have to control all the drama that’s happening to you. Most of the time, things aren’t nearly as bad as you think they are.
The capability to manage your emotions and take full responsibility for your life is one of the necessary skills that will enable you to achieve victory, stability, and bliss. There may be instances when it is appropriate to feel guilty and resentful. You have either totally lost faith in the system or you may no longer value the things that are thrown in your path. You are, of course, allowed to experience these emotions. However, you have to let them go quickly so that you leave no long term negative residual effects. To get stuck in a rut is detrimental to both your health and sanity.
Emotional maturity is the ability to see life through a clear glass. You shouldn’t hide from the bad things happening to you, neither should you embrace them. You just have to see them as they are. It’s a dilemma you have to overcome and a puzzle you have to solve. Problems don’t go away when you sulk. Find ways to get rid of the negative energy and move on. When you constantly look back, you will dwell on what’s past. The future is there waiting, and you will only see it if you look forward.
You have to dream, anticipate, plan, and make goals to achieve what you desire. Live your life in the present to attain the future that you want. Negative emotions, when given time and energy, will take their toll on some aspect of your life in the future. You should have a quiet acceptance of the ebb of life’s issues. It is not a question of struggle because there is no need to do so. There is no need to beat yourself up because of your unrealistic expectations. Everyone goes through a form of scuffle, and when this happens to you, make sure that you understand the situation. Analyze and think of solutions. It’s a whole lot better than sulking. The more you evaluate the problem, the higher your chances of finding the answer.
Happiness can be equated to how you feel about yourself. The more confident you are, the more you are able to see the brighter side of life. When you feel depressed, you bring yourself and others down with you. You go on a downward spiral until you break down. You go through the daily struggles of life with no hope for a happier tomorrow. You start to lose the will to even attempt to break to overcome the smallest obstacle.
The truth is, you are in charge of our destiny. Your happiness is connected with how you see yourself as a person. You have to know that you are worth something and that you deserve an incentive for your achievements. Mind you, these rewards don’t have to be grand. Any little thing will do, as long as you’re left feeling good and proud of whom you are as a person. You have to control all the drama that’s happening to you. Most of the time, things aren’t nearly as bad as you think they are.
The capability to manage your emotions and take full responsibility for your life is one of the necessary skills that will enable you to achieve victory, stability, and bliss. There may be instances when it is appropriate to feel guilty and resentful. You have either totally lost faith in the system or you may no longer value the things that are thrown in your path. You are, of course, allowed to experience these emotions. However, you have to let them go quickly so that you leave no long term negative residual effects. To get stuck in a rut is detrimental to both your health and sanity.
Emotional maturity is the ability to see life through a clear glass. You shouldn’t hide from the bad things happening to you, neither should you embrace them. You just have to see them as they are. It’s a dilemma you have to overcome and a puzzle you have to solve. Problems don’t go away when you sulk. Find ways to get rid of the negative energy and move on. When you constantly look back, you will dwell on what’s past. The future is there waiting, and you will only see it if you look forward.
You have to dream, anticipate, plan, and make goals to achieve what you desire. Live your life in the present to attain the future that you want. Negative emotions, when given time and energy, will take their toll on some aspect of your life in the future. You should have a quiet acceptance of the ebb of life’s issues. It is not a question of struggle because there is no need to do so. There is no need to beat yourself up because of your unrealistic expectations. Everyone goes through a form of scuffle, and when this happens to you, make sure that you understand the situation. Analyze and think of solutions. It’s a whole lot better than sulking. The more you evaluate the problem, the higher your chances of finding the answer.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Self pity - Woe is Me
When times are tough, as with the current economic recession, it is always easy to give in to depression and constantly moan about the woes of life. There are just too many worries to constantly think about: bills to pay, family to care for, and so on. The problems never end. The fact is, they never do! As you make your journey through life, you will always encounter barriers and hurdles. These are trials meant to test your strength and improve your will. Rather than simply give up and cry your frustrations out, you may want to look around you and see that no one is exempt from problems.
Self pity may get you sympathy at first, but if this is a repetitive behavior, don’t be surprised if you lose friends along the way. When you’ve become the black hole for energy, people will avoid you like a plague. No one wants to be surrounded with sadness, and no one can take a whiner for too long a period. You have yet to meet the person who never struggles with frustration. This comes with the territory of being human. It is not wrong to be frustrated, but it is how we handle our frustration that counts.
One of the most effective ways to change how you react to negativity is to change how you see it and what you do about it. Self pity is a shortcut to the path of destruction. When you give in to depression, you are basically saying that you don’t have it in you to solve the problem. In fact, you are just aggravating the situation. You yell, curse, and cry, yet the problem still remains unsolved.
On the other hand, a more productive solution would be to view frustration is as a chance for improving your abilities to solve the problem. If you get frustrated, try to have an outlet. Go talk to a friend, visit a specialist, or pound that hammer away in your garage. You need to let it out and find a way to express your explosive emotions rather than keep it locked inside. If this is your constant practice, expect the dam to break sooner or later. Instead, ask yourself what the possible solutions are. The thing about self-pity is that if you can't get others to feel sorry for you, you can always just feel sorry for yourself.
Pity parties are always a party of one because no one wants to be on the guest list. Just know that when you catch yourself in this state, you tend to lose perspective. You lose sight of the big picture and will be unable to spot the solution that may just be right under your nose. When you are too caught up in your problems, you’ll be too busy to even notice the faintest flicker of hope.
You must find ways to bounce back. Be the victor, not the victim. Life is a marathon, and your goal should be not to win it all the time. Instead, you need to focus on your running and learning not to quit. Instead of making excuses on your failure, you must learn to get back up and let your creative juices flow so that you can achieve what you want most. Have a worthwhile goal, one that deserves a spot in your loved ones’ minds. If your life were a book, let it fall under the inspirational category.
A Good read: Affirmations For Goals Beliefs and attitudes
Self pity may get you sympathy at first, but if this is a repetitive behavior, don’t be surprised if you lose friends along the way. When you’ve become the black hole for energy, people will avoid you like a plague. No one wants to be surrounded with sadness, and no one can take a whiner for too long a period. You have yet to meet the person who never struggles with frustration. This comes with the territory of being human. It is not wrong to be frustrated, but it is how we handle our frustration that counts.
One of the most effective ways to change how you react to negativity is to change how you see it and what you do about it. Self pity is a shortcut to the path of destruction. When you give in to depression, you are basically saying that you don’t have it in you to solve the problem. In fact, you are just aggravating the situation. You yell, curse, and cry, yet the problem still remains unsolved.
On the other hand, a more productive solution would be to view frustration is as a chance for improving your abilities to solve the problem. If you get frustrated, try to have an outlet. Go talk to a friend, visit a specialist, or pound that hammer away in your garage. You need to let it out and find a way to express your explosive emotions rather than keep it locked inside. If this is your constant practice, expect the dam to break sooner or later. Instead, ask yourself what the possible solutions are. The thing about self-pity is that if you can't get others to feel sorry for you, you can always just feel sorry for yourself.
Pity parties are always a party of one because no one wants to be on the guest list. Just know that when you catch yourself in this state, you tend to lose perspective. You lose sight of the big picture and will be unable to spot the solution that may just be right under your nose. When you are too caught up in your problems, you’ll be too busy to even notice the faintest flicker of hope.
You must find ways to bounce back. Be the victor, not the victim. Life is a marathon, and your goal should be not to win it all the time. Instead, you need to focus on your running and learning not to quit. Instead of making excuses on your failure, you must learn to get back up and let your creative juices flow so that you can achieve what you want most. Have a worthwhile goal, one that deserves a spot in your loved ones’ minds. If your life were a book, let it fall under the inspirational category.
A Good read: Affirmations For Goals Beliefs and attitudes
Friday, May 22, 2009
EQ vs IQ
Emotional Quotient vs Intelligence Quotient
What makes EQ different from IQ? Where IQ measures your general intelligence, EQ measures your level of emotional intelligence. Basically, it is a sort of emotional inventory where you are given the weapon to better understand the world around you. It is the ability to sense and understand your emotions and the emotions of others as well. If you are highly aware of the feelings of people, you will be able to build long-lasting and beneficial relationships with the people in your life.
Emotional intelligence may be the greatest tool you can carry around. If you are highly mature about sensing feelings of others and adapting to people’s moods, you can assure yourself of success in practically every area in your life.
Have you ever noticed how some people become successful even if they don’t possess your traditional ideas of what intelligence is? It is because that person is emotionally stronger and more versatile. These are the people who are dynamic, the go-getters. If you are unsure whether emotions play a crucial role in your career, then imagine yourself being given the task to execute complicated yet highly rewarding projects. An assignment of this scope usually involves a lot of decision making. Your opportunity for growth now hinges on this one task, and making adept decisions calls for a calm and steady mind. Emotional flexibility helps you to adapt to these very demanding situations immediately. This is only when you’ll fully realize that emotional maturity and stability is that important!
In business, a high EQ improves performance. It can help you become more productive by improving your skills in decision making. You become a superior performer who people can highly count on. It’s being street smart, as some folks prefer to call it
Your emotional quotient, therefore, rests on your ability to understand others and relate effectively to them. When you’ll know how your actions can make an impact on others, it is easier to make a decision because you now know what not to do. You are able to build strong relationships, reduce stress, and motivate yourself and others to get the job done.
To increase your emotional intelligence (improve EQ), you have to become aware of your feelings and of how others will react to them. You also need to learn how to empathize. Put yourself in their shoes and try to understand the motives behind their actions. We know that our experiences shaped who we’ve become. And knowing that we have different experiences, we also value diversity. This is what makes each of us unique. Be grateful for these differences and celebrate your uniqueness as a person. When we become aware of how each of us was shaped, we become more understanding. Life, after all, is what we make of it.
To enjoy a good life, you have to be at peace with yourself and with the people that surround you. Stop finding faults. Instead, concentrate on how you can succeed despite these faults. And that is what emotional intelligence is all about!
What makes EQ different from IQ? Where IQ measures your general intelligence, EQ measures your level of emotional intelligence. Basically, it is a sort of emotional inventory where you are given the weapon to better understand the world around you. It is the ability to sense and understand your emotions and the emotions of others as well. If you are highly aware of the feelings of people, you will be able to build long-lasting and beneficial relationships with the people in your life.
Emotional intelligence may be the greatest tool you can carry around. If you are highly mature about sensing feelings of others and adapting to people’s moods, you can assure yourself of success in practically every area in your life.
Have you ever noticed how some people become successful even if they don’t possess your traditional ideas of what intelligence is? It is because that person is emotionally stronger and more versatile. These are the people who are dynamic, the go-getters. If you are unsure whether emotions play a crucial role in your career, then imagine yourself being given the task to execute complicated yet highly rewarding projects. An assignment of this scope usually involves a lot of decision making. Your opportunity for growth now hinges on this one task, and making adept decisions calls for a calm and steady mind. Emotional flexibility helps you to adapt to these very demanding situations immediately. This is only when you’ll fully realize that emotional maturity and stability is that important!
In business, a high EQ improves performance. It can help you become more productive by improving your skills in decision making. You become a superior performer who people can highly count on. It’s being street smart, as some folks prefer to call it
Your emotional quotient, therefore, rests on your ability to understand others and relate effectively to them. When you’ll know how your actions can make an impact on others, it is easier to make a decision because you now know what not to do. You are able to build strong relationships, reduce stress, and motivate yourself and others to get the job done.
To increase your emotional intelligence (improve EQ), you have to become aware of your feelings and of how others will react to them. You also need to learn how to empathize. Put yourself in their shoes and try to understand the motives behind their actions. We know that our experiences shaped who we’ve become. And knowing that we have different experiences, we also value diversity. This is what makes each of us unique. Be grateful for these differences and celebrate your uniqueness as a person. When we become aware of how each of us was shaped, we become more understanding. Life, after all, is what we make of it.
To enjoy a good life, you have to be at peace with yourself and with the people that surround you. Stop finding faults. Instead, concentrate on how you can succeed despite these faults. And that is what emotional intelligence is all about!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Self Help Growth To Reach Your Self Improvement Goals
Many individuals lack both self-help skills and personal growth achievement, which seriously hinders the ability for these individuals to achieve self-improvement goals. Many individuals find themselves living a day-to-day existence that revolves around going to work, eating, sleeping, caring for family members and doing very little of anything else that actually encourages self help or personal growth.
Self-improvement requires that you learn how to improve upon your skills regarding self-help and personal growth. Your day must hold meaning for things other than "getting by" or accomplishing the normal day-to-day running of your life. In order to improve your life you must elevate your ability for self-help and increase your personal growth. How do you improve your life through increased self-help and personal growth?
To increase your self-help and personal growth you must first of all "get a life", which means do something other than earns a living (go to work) and goes home.
Find time to invest in family life, improve your values and your relationships. Self-help equates to working hard for the person in the mirror.
Face your faults, and find ways to improve upon them so that the person in the mirror is one that you respect. What do you dislike about yourself? Find ways to change what you dislike in ways that will benefit not only you but also those around you. If you don't like your attitude, than do something about it. If you dislike how lazy you are than learn how to motivate yourself to take action.
Self-help and personal growth are keys to attaining your self-improvement goals because when you develop the real you, you are taking steps to be someone that you and others can respect.
Self-improvement centers upon being the best that you can be and also becoming the person that you are proud to look in the mirror and see looking back at you.
Self-improvement requires that you learn how to improve upon your skills regarding self-help and personal growth. Your day must hold meaning for things other than "getting by" or accomplishing the normal day-to-day running of your life. In order to improve your life you must elevate your ability for self-help and increase your personal growth. How do you improve your life through increased self-help and personal growth?
To increase your self-help and personal growth you must first of all "get a life", which means do something other than earns a living (go to work) and goes home.
Find time to invest in family life, improve your values and your relationships. Self-help equates to working hard for the person in the mirror.
Face your faults, and find ways to improve upon them so that the person in the mirror is one that you respect. What do you dislike about yourself? Find ways to change what you dislike in ways that will benefit not only you but also those around you. If you don't like your attitude, than do something about it. If you dislike how lazy you are than learn how to motivate yourself to take action.
Self-help and personal growth are keys to attaining your self-improvement goals because when you develop the real you, you are taking steps to be someone that you and others can respect.
Self-improvement centers upon being the best that you can be and also becoming the person that you are proud to look in the mirror and see looking back at you.
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