Thursday, May 28, 2009

How To Find Happiness

How To Find Happiness - Emotional Maturity and Happiness

Happiness can be equated to how you feel about yourself. The more confident you are, the more you are able to see the brighter side of life. When you feel depressed, you bring yourself and others down with you. You go on a downward spiral until you break down. You go through the daily struggles of life with no hope for a happier tomorrow. You start to lose the will to even attempt to break to overcome the smallest obstacle.

The truth is, you are in charge of our destiny. Your happiness is connected with how you see yourself as a person. You have to know that you are worth something and that you deserve an incentive for your achievements. Mind you, these rewards don’t have to be grand. Any little thing will do, as long as you’re left feeling good and proud of whom you are as a person. You have to control all the drama that’s happening to you. Most of the time, things aren’t nearly as bad as you think they are.

The capability to manage your emotions and take full responsibility for your life is one of the necessary skills that will enable you to achieve victory, stability, and bliss. There may be instances when it is appropriate to feel guilty and resentful. You have either totally lost faith in the system or you may no longer value the things that are thrown in your path. You are, of course, allowed to experience these emotions. However, you have to let them go quickly so that you leave no long term negative residual effects. To get stuck in a rut is detrimental to both your health and sanity.

Emotional maturity is the ability to see life through a clear glass. You shouldn’t hide from the bad things happening to you, neither should you embrace them. You just have to see them as they are. It’s a dilemma you have to overcome and a puzzle you have to solve. Problems don’t go away when you sulk. Find ways to get rid of the negative energy and move on. When you constantly look back, you will dwell on what’s past. The future is there waiting, and you will only see it if you look forward.

You have to dream, anticipate, plan, and make goals to achieve what you desire. Live your life in the present to attain the future that you want. Negative emotions, when given time and energy, will take their toll on some aspect of your life in the future. You should have a quiet acceptance of the ebb of life’s issues. It is not a question of struggle because there is no need to do so. There is no need to beat yourself up because of your unrealistic expectations. Everyone goes through a form of scuffle, and when this happens to you, make sure that you understand the situation. Analyze and think of solutions. It’s a whole lot better than sulking. The more you evaluate the problem, the higher your chances of finding the answer.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Self pity - Woe is Me

When times are tough, as with the current economic recession, it is always easy to give in to depression and constantly moan about the woes of life. There are just too many worries to constantly think about: bills to pay, family to care for, and so on. The problems never end. The fact is, they never do! As you make your journey through life, you will always encounter barriers and hurdles. These are trials meant to test your strength and improve your will. Rather than simply give up and cry your frustrations out, you may want to look around you and see that no one is exempt from problems.

Self pity may get you sympathy at first, but if this is a repetitive behavior, don’t be surprised if you lose friends along the way. When you’ve become the black hole for energy, people will avoid you like a plague. No one wants to be surrounded with sadness, and no one can take a whiner for too long a period. You have yet to meet the person who never struggles with frustration. This comes with the territory of being human. It is not wrong to be frustrated, but it is how we handle our frustration that counts.

One of the most effective ways to change how you react to negativity is to change how you see it and what you do about it. Self pity is a shortcut to the path of destruction. When you give in to depression, you are basically saying that you don’t have it in you to solve the problem. In fact, you are just aggravating the situation. You yell, curse, and cry, yet the problem still remains unsolved.

On the other hand, a more productive solution would be to view frustration is as a chance for improving your abilities to solve the problem. If you get frustrated, try to have an outlet. Go talk to a friend, visit a specialist, or pound that hammer away in your garage. You need to let it out and find a way to express your explosive emotions rather than keep it locked inside. If this is your constant practice, expect the dam to break sooner or later. Instead, ask yourself what the possible solutions are. The thing about self-pity is that if you can't get others to feel sorry for you, you can always just feel sorry for yourself.

Pity parties are always a party of one because no one wants to be on the guest list. Just know that when you catch yourself in this state, you tend to lose perspective. You lose sight of the big picture and will be unable to spot the solution that may just be right under your nose. When you are too caught up in your problems, you’ll be too busy to even notice the faintest flicker of hope.

You must find ways to bounce back. Be the victor, not the victim. Life is a marathon, and your goal should be not to win it all the time. Instead, you need to focus on your running and learning not to quit. Instead of making excuses on your failure, you must learn to get back up and let your creative juices flow so that you can achieve what you want most. Have a worthwhile goal, one that deserves a spot in your loved ones’ minds. If your life were a book, let it fall under the inspirational category.

A Good read: Affirmations For Goals Beliefs and attitudes

Friday, May 22, 2009

EQ vs IQ

Emotional Quotient vs Intelligence Quotient

What makes EQ different from IQ? Where IQ measures your general intelligence, EQ measures your level of emotional intelligence. Basically, it is a sort of emotional inventory where you are given the weapon to better understand the world around you. It is the ability to sense and understand your emotions and the emotions of others as well. If you are highly aware of the feelings of people, you will be able to build long-lasting and beneficial relationships with the people in your life.

Emotional intelligence may be the greatest tool you can carry around. If you are highly mature about sensing feelings of others and adapting to people’s moods, you can assure yourself of success in practically every area in your life.

Have you ever noticed how some people become successful even if they don’t possess your traditional ideas of what intelligence is? It is because that person is emotionally stronger and more versatile. These are the people who are dynamic, the go-getters. If you are unsure whether emotions play a crucial role in your career, then imagine yourself being given the task to execute complicated yet highly rewarding projects. An assignment of this scope usually involves a lot of decision making. Your opportunity for growth now hinges on this one task, and making adept decisions calls for a calm and steady mind. Emotional flexibility helps you to adapt to these very demanding situations immediately. This is only when you’ll fully realize that emotional maturity and stability is that important!

In business, a high EQ improves performance. It can help you become more productive by improving your skills in decision making. You become a superior performer who people can highly count on. It’s being street smart, as some folks prefer to call it

Your emotional quotient, therefore, rests on your ability to understand others and relate effectively to them. When you’ll know how your actions can make an impact on others, it is easier to make a decision because you now know what not to do. You are able to build strong relationships, reduce stress, and motivate yourself and others to get the job done.

To increase your emotional intelligence (improve EQ), you have to become aware of your feelings and of how others will react to them. You also need to learn how to empathize. Put yourself in their shoes and try to understand the motives behind their actions. We know that our experiences shaped who we’ve become. And knowing that we have different experiences, we also value diversity. This is what makes each of us unique. Be grateful for these differences and celebrate your uniqueness as a person. When we become aware of how each of us was shaped, we become more understanding. Life, after all, is what we make of it.

To enjoy a good life, you have to be at peace with yourself and with the people that surround you. Stop finding faults. Instead, concentrate on how you can succeed despite these faults. And that is what emotional intelligence is all about!